

发音:   用"脊柱结合"造句


        脊柱:    spinal column; vertebral col ...
        结合:    combine; unite; integrate; l ...
        脊柱结合及颅骨结合:    ligamenta columnae vertebralis et cranii
        脊柱颅骨韧带, 脊柱结合及颅骨结合:    ligamenta columnae vertebralis et cranii
        脊柱结核:    tuberculosis of vertebral column
        梁柱结合:    beam to column co ection; beam to column connection; beam-to-column connection; beamtocolumnco ection
        釉柱间质, 釉柱结合质:    interprismatic substance
        波特氏截瘫 脊柱结核性截瘫:    pott'sparaplegia
        脊柱结核病损切除术:    resection of tuberculosis lesions of spine
        脊柱:    spinal column; vertebral column; backbone; spine; columnar vertebralis (俗称“脊梁骨”)
        板柱结构:    slab column system; slab-colume system; slab-column structure; slab-column system
        梁柱结构:    beam column co truction; beam column construction; beam-and-column construction; beamed structure; post and beam construction; post and beam structure; post and girder; post-and-beam construction; post-and-lintel construction
        无梁柱结构:    flat slab capital construction
        支柱结构:    corbelling; element pillar system
        空心圆柱结核:    incretion
        无梁板柱结构:    flat slab capital construction; flat slab column construction
        现浇板柱结构:    cast-in-situ concrete slab column structure; cast-in―situ concrete slab column structure; cast-in―situ concrete structure
        支柱结构系统:    element pillar system
        结合:    1.(发生密切联系; 联合) combine; unite; integrate; link; binding; coalition; cohesion; connection; joint; union; association; join; incorporation; coalescence; coupling; junctura (pl. juncturae); concrescence; nexus; valence; merging; consolidation 与群众相结合 integrate oneself with the masses; become one with the masses; 把理论与实践结合起来 combine [link] theory with practice; 梦游者能把睡眠和运动巧妙地结合在一起。 a somnambulist can happily combine sleep and exercise. 我把你的建议和我的计划结合在一起。 i integrated your suggestion with my plan.2.(结为夫妻) marry; be united in wedlock; be tied in wedlock 他俩的结合违背了各自父母的愿望。 they got married to each other against their parents' wishes.; 结合部位 binding site; 结合层 [土] binder course; close binder; 结合点 binding site; bonding point; 结合方案 association schemes; 结合方式 structure; 结合杆 connecting rod; union link; 结合环 associative rings; 结合剂 agglutinant; binding agent; 结合角钢 connecting angle; 结合力 bond; 结合律 [数学] associative law; law of association; 结合面 [工业] faying face; faying surface; 结合器 colligator; connector; 结合强度 bond strength; 结合体 arrangement; amalgam; [生态学] association; ecological association; 结合性能 binding ability; 结合作用 combination; conjugation
        背棘,脊柱:    spinal vertebral column
        脊骨,脊柱:    backbone
        脊柱,骨架:    backbone
        脊柱;棘:    ine
        脊柱;脊骨:    spinal column
        脊柱病:    rachiopathy; rhachiopathy; spinal disease; spondylopathy



  1. "脊柱角状弯曲, 驼背"英文
  2. "脊柱接骨板"英文
  3. "脊柱接合板"英文
  4. "脊柱结核"英文
  5. "脊柱结核病损切除术"英文
  6. "脊柱结合及颅骨结合"英文
  7. "脊柱解剖"英文
  8. "脊柱颈段"英文
  9. "脊柱静脉"英文
  10. "脊柱锯"英文


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