脉: affectionately; amorously; l ...细: thin; slender涩: puckery; astringent或: nǎi-.数: frequently; repeatedly脉细数: thready rapid pulse; threadyrapidpulse细数: net amount脉细弱: small and weak pulse脉细胞弦数: small stringy and rapid pulse脉细无力: small and weak pulse脉细弦数: small stingy and rapid pulse或细叶百合: lilium pumilum dc列入细数: short extended脉象细数: faint and rapid pulse明细数据集: detail data set认捐款细数: details of contributions pledged细数,次序,损坏,分裂: breakdown细数繁星: number the stars细数加算器: detail adder细数经费: detailed appropriation详细数据: detail; particular晦涩或不明的事物: thing that is obscure or indistinct指跳涩或解救困难: to bail out细数查对纸带: detail audit strips显示明细数据: show detail