Hornblende bearing varieties bridge the gap over to amphibolites which are in bands and dikes . 含角闪石的变种填补了带状和脉状角闪岩的中间相。
The ore is partly massive and partly disseminated (veinlets and speckles) and there is a halo of disseminated minerals in the surrounding rock . 矿石部分呈块状,部分呈浸染状(细脉状和斑点状),围岩中并有矿物的浸染晕存在。
Study of mining method for inclined thin vein in a copper ore mine 倾斜脉状薄矿体开采方法的研究
The ore body totally shows the characteristics of fan - shaped , which mode of occurrence is 18 - 25 32 - 70 矿体多呈脉状、囊状、似板状、不规则状,总体呈扇形分布,产状18 ? 45 32 ? 70 。
The main ore structure include massive % vein > drusy structure , etc . the second type ore penetrates last type ore in some areas 主要矿石构造为块状构造、脉状构造、晶洞状构造、聚晶镶嵌构造等。