脉学: sphygmology专著: monograph; treatise针灸学专著: acupuncture treatises脉学: sphygmology 脉学专著 monographs on sphygmology专著: monograph; treatise 行为理论专著 a monograph on behaviour theory动脉学: arteriology静脉学: phlebologie; phlebology论文, 专著: treatise初级经脉学: jingmai book高级经脉学: jingmai book方论专著: monograph on prescriptions其他专著: books and other monographs手册和专著: manuals and monographs眼科专著: a monograph on ophthalmology针灸专著: exclusive book on acupuncture and moxiubustion; exclusive books on acupuncture and moxibustion诊断专著: a monograph on the diagnoisis of diseases专著(普通图书): monograph专著丛书: monograph series monographic series; monograph series, monographic series专著作者: monographer最早的专著: the earliest monograph on落基山脉学院: rocky mountain college高级研究专著: advanced research monograph行为理论专著: a monograph on behaviour theory英国矿脉学会会刊: journal of the british society of dowsers法律专著和教科书: legal treatise and textbook