能源: the sources of energy; energ ...问题: question; problem科: a branch of academic or voca ...能源问题: energy problem能源问题专家组: expert panel on energy能源问题部长级会议: ministerial meeting on energy能源问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on energy世界能源问题国际论坛: international forum on world energy problems特定问题科: section for specific problems环境与能源问题工作队会议: task-forcemeetingontheenvironmentandenergy能源问题特设机构间工作队: hoc inter-agency task force on energy挪威苏尔斯特兰能源问题部长级讲习班: ministerial workshoon energy at solstrand norway沼气和其他农村能源问题工作会议: workshoon biogas and other rural电源问题: power problems(sags/sarges)水源问题: water resources problem水资源问题: water resource problems新能源和可再生能源问题政府间技术会议: intergovernmental technical meeting on new and renewable sources of energy电源问题突波: power problems特殊融合问题科: special integration issues section蛋白质起源问题: problem of the origin of the protein环境问题科学委员会: scientific committee on problems of the environment; wissenschaftliches komitee für probleme der umwelt (scope)环境污染问题科学委员会: scientific committee on pollution of environment低和冷排放源问题工作队: task force on low and cold emi ion sources; task force on low and cold emission sources; taskforceonlowandcoldemi io ources国际人口问题科学研究联合会: international union for the scientific study of population (iussp)国际人口问题科学研究联合会的各科: scientific committees of the international