In the process , they learned how to help each other , become unified and responsible and embrace a spirit of self - sacrifice 在短短的时间内,同修们筹资购地,胼手胝足地展开道场的建设工作。
All the construction work and interior decorations were accomplished by fellow practitioners , whose dedicated endeavors were reflected in the completed facilities - a meditation hall , a kitchen , a children s playhouse , and a park with a beautiful lawn 道场内的建筑及美化工程,皆由同修自己胼手胝足建设而成。目前共修大殿厨房与儿童屋皆已备,又有美丽的草坪公园,加上乡间宁静悠闲的气氛,真是一处不可多得的灵修乐园。
Founded in 1953 , the shun hing group is going from strength to strength after half a century of enterprising effort , and behind the grandeur of its success there is a moving story . it all began with a promise between the company and a foreign friend , which was brought to fruition through the collaborative efforts of a remarkable sino - japanese partnership . through lots of hard work and a readiness to move with the times the enterprise took off , and has since soared to the heights of business success 信兴自一九五三年创业迄今,历经半个世纪悠长岁月,不但活力充沛,且层楼更上,而这辉煌成就的背后,却含蕴著一则动人的故事:始于国际友人一诺千金的佳话,继以中日两地共舆而驰的经营,再以与时偕行、胼手胝足的耕耘,而终至拓展腾飞、鹏搏万里的境界。
That was a very different world , where families struggled to make ends meet in crowded streets and cramped apartments . mr cheng himself also struggled to overcome adversities in childhood . but it seems as if this only strengthened his courage and determination , and made him more keenly aware of the sufferings of the poor and the handicapped 那是一个跟今天截然不同的年代,街道挤满行人,一家多口挤在小小的板间房里,为求生计,胼手胝足。郑先生的童年也并非一帆风顺,然而重重困难,只磨练出过人的勇气和决心,同时亦使他更深深体会到贫困大众和残疾人士的疾苦。