On the buddha statues in the early gandhara art 中国南北朝时期菩萨像胸饰之研究
By healing the body at the emotional level , the physical problems are no longer fed and healing can take place 而且,左手戴上一个红宝石戒指或左侧戴一枚红宝石胸饰,就会具有一种逢凶化吉,变敌为友的魔力。
By healing the body at the emotional level , the physical problems are no longer fed and healing can take place 而且,左手戴上一个红宝石戒指或左侧戴一枚红宝石胸饰,就会具有一种逢凶化吉,变敌为友的魔力。
A 、 head wear , plastron and trinket serial products with all kinds of material and novel design ; finger ring and necklace serial products ; foot ornament , adornment and article decoration serial products ; ear ring and waist decoration products ; chain ornament franchise store ; decoration accessories ; tie clip ; mobile phone decorations ; eyeglasses ; related machinery equipments etc 各类材质设计新颖的头饰、胸饰、手饰产品系列;戒指、项链系列产品;脚饰、佩戴饰和物饰系列;耳环、腰饰产品;饰品连锁加盟店;饰品配件;领带夹;手机饰品;眼镜;相关机械设备等。