

  • cementationtype ore


        胶结:    glue; cement
        :    mould; model
        矿石:    ore; mineral
        胶结型锚杆:    adhesive anchor bolt
        结型:    junction laser
        胶结:    glue; cement◇胶结材料 cementitous material; 胶结带 belt of cementation; [地质学] zone of cementation; 胶结剂 cementing agent; 胶结沥青 mountain tar; 胶结涂层 sizing coat; 胶结土 binder soil; 胶结物 cement; 胶结作用 cementation
        型矿车:    u-type mining car u
        矿石:    ore; mineral 富矿石 high-grade ore; 贫矿石 low-grade ore; 矿石仓 [采矿工程] ore bin; 矿石车 ore car; 矿石处理量 throughput; 矿石船 orecarrier; 矿石回采率 ore recovery rate; 矿石加工 ore milling; 矿石码头 ore terminal; 矿石配料 ore-burden; 矿石品位 ore grade; 矿石品位分级 ore grade; 矿石破碎机 ore crusher; 矿石收音机 crystal radio; crystal set; detector set; 矿石研磨机 ore grinder
        结型栅:    junction gate
        纽结型:    knot type
        痰结型:    phlegm-accumulation type
        瘀结型:    the type of stasis and accumulation
        标型矿物:    guide mineral; typical mineral; typomorphic mineral
        标型矿物学:    topomineralogy
        大型矿车:    high capacity car
        等型矿物:    isotypic mineral
        典型矿脉:    ideal vein
        典型矿物:    typical mineral
        过度型矿床:    deposit of transitional type; depositoftra itionaltype
        过渡型矿床:    transitional type ore deposits
        黑矿型矿床:    black ore deposit; blackoredeposit; kuroko deposit; kurokodeposit
        砂岩型矿床:    sandstone-type deposits
        双锥型矿槽:    double-conical type hopper
        小型矿车:    cocopan
        原型矿物:    prototype mineral


  1. "胶结物质"英文
  2. "胶结系数"英文
  3. "胶结系数;胶结因子"英文
  4. "胶结橡胶"英文
  5. "胶结效应"英文
  6. "胶结型锚杆"英文
  7. "胶结性"英文
  8. "胶结性加入物"英文
  9. "胶结性弱的砂岩"英文
  10. "胶结悬浊液"英文


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