胶粘: gum; glue off; glue带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...发泡胶粘带: foam tape胶粘带试验: adhesion tape test双面胶粘带: double-faced adhesive tape; double-sided sdhesive压敏胶粘带: pressure-sensitive adhesive tape胶粘带捆箍机: banding machine胶合板用胶粘带: gummed reneer tape; gummedreneertape聚酯不污染胶粘带: polyester substrate protective tape冷缠防腐胶粘带: sxt喷漆保护胶粘带: protecting adhesvie tape for ray lacquer; protecting adhesvie tape for spray lacquer膨胀透明胶粘带: expansionsklebefolie expanding adhesive film压敏胶粘带和胶粘剂带厚度试验方法: test method for thickness of pressuresensitive and gummed tapess玻利肯公司塑料胶粘带防腐层: polyken coating绝缘胶粘带工频击穿强度试验方法: test method for electric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法: test method for dielectric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency绝缘用胶粘带电腐蚀试验方法: test method for electrolysis corrosion of electrical insulating adhesive tapes压敏胶粘带持粘性试验方法: test method for holding power of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes压敏胶粘带低速解卷强度测试方法: test method for unwinding force of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes at low speed压敏胶粘带加速老化试验方法: practice for accelerated aging of pressure-sensitive tapes压敏胶粘带拉伸性能试验方法: test method for tensile properties of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes压敏胶粘带水渗透率试验方法: test method for water penetration rate of pressuresensitive tapess压敏胶粘带水蒸汽透过率试验方法: test method for water vapor transmission of pressuresensitive tapess胶粘: gum; glue off; glue◇胶粘剂 adhesives; tackifier; tackiness agent粘带机: belt building machine