胭脂: rouge; blusher; cochineal; k ...三: three斗: fight; tussle黄: yellow飞: fly; flit鸿: swan goose胭脂马: untamed woman黄飞鸿: once upon a time in china/ wong fei hung; wong fei-hung; yellow fly red一对胭脂马: two naughty girls黄飞鸿对黄飞鸿: master wong vs master wong黄飞鸿传-上集: the story of wong fei-hung, part one黄飞鸿传-下集: the story of wong fei-hung, part two黄飞鸿系列: once upon a time in china黄飞鸿笑传: once upon a time a hero in china黄飞鸿正传: the true story of huang feihong少年黄飞鸿: iron monkey续黄飞鸿传: the true story of wong fei-hung, the sequel荒唐镜三气胭脂马: how fong tong-geng thrice tricked the unruly girl王先生骑正胭脂马: mr wong's adventures with the unruly girl黄飞鸿Ⅰ壮志凌云: wong fei-hung黄飞鸿传-大结局: the story of wong fei-hung, grand conclusion黄飞鸿伏二虎: how wong fei-hung subdued the two tigers黄飞鸿2之西域雄狮: once upon a time is china and america黄飞鸿3:狮王争霸: once upon a time in china 3黄飞鸿iii狮王争霸: once upon a time in china iii