The nr2b subunit have a long cytoplasmic tail ( 644aa ) , so it predicts that there may be some functional domains in this tail Nrzb含有很长的胞内区( 644个氨基酸) ,推测它们很可能存在许多重要的功能区和调节位点。
Resent studies demonstrate that , such as gabaar1 subunit of gaba receptor , ka2 and glur6 subunit of ka receptor , there are some functional regions in that of c terminus which can regulate these subunits targeting to the cell membrane surface . while little was known whether nmda receptor ' s nr2b subunit has the similar domains 最近有一些研究报道,许多突触受体如gaba ( b )受体rl亚单位、 ka受体的kaz和glur6亚单位以及孤儿受体腿亚单位的胞内区,存在有影响受体运输到细胞膜的功能区,但是尚未有对于nmda受体的nrz亚单位膜运输的报道。
The intracellular domain has four distinct regions : the ram domain , the ankyrin repeats , a transcriptional activator domain ( tad ) and the pest ( proline - , glutamate - , serine - , threonine - rich ) sequence . two nuclear localisation sequences are present prior to and following the ankyrin repeats 释放的胞内区不经其它信号转导分子的作用可直接进核,与dna结合蛋白rbp - j相互作用并激活下游基因如果蝇的e ( spl ) ( enhancerofsplit )复合体及哺乳类的hes ( hairyandenhancerofsplit )家族基因。
A change in functional properties of the nmda receptors has been invoked as a potential mechanism contributing to the loss of synaptic plasticity during brain maturation . from this , it is important to well understand the structural and functional diversity of nmda receptors in relation to nmda receptor subunit composition and spatial distribution at excitatory synaptic sites during development 近几年来,在哺乳动物中枢神经系统中,对离子型谷氨酸受体如何定位到兴浙江大学医学院硕士论文nrzb亚单位的c末端胞内区影响n协da受体装配、运钧以及表面表达的分子机制奋性突触的研究有了长足的发展。
Kyot2 lacked two lim domains from the c terminus and had a frameshift in the last exon , creating the rbp - j - binding region in the c terminus . kyotl had a negligible level of interaction with rbp - j . the binding site of kyot2 on rbp - j overlaps those of ramic and kyot2 repressed the rbp - j mediated transcriptional activation by ramic by competing with them for binding to rbp - j 在肌肉母细胞系czc12内过表达kyoth时可阻断转录激活物notch胞内区或ebnaz对rbp依赖性启动子的转录激活作用,这种阻断作用呈剂量依赖性,提示kyoth可与notch胞内区或ebnaz竞争rbp j上的结合位点,从而抑制二者的转录激活活性