你是胜利者: you're a winner女胜利者: victress胜利者的: victor胜利者牌手表: victor韦伦卡 希腊 胜利者: veromca角逐中的胜利者: master of the situation胜利者和受害者: the victor and the victim胜利者之声电台: voz de la victor有着胜利者的心态: have a winner’s attitude【美运】比赛胜利者(尤指赛马的)。: money position摆着一幅胜利者的姿态: have the look of a winner人群挤在胜利者周围: the crowd surrounded the victor胜利者之丝绸-古代装甲: silks of the victor-ancient armor裁判宣布他为该项比赛的胜利者。: the referee declared him to be the winner of the fight胜利者在做失败者不想做的事情: remember that winners do what losers don't want to do胜利: 1.(获胜) win; victory; triumph 外交上的胜利 a diplomatic triumph; 胜利归来 return in triumph; 胜利果实 fruits of victory; 祝你们取得更大胜利 wish you greater success; 胜利来之不易。 victory is not won easily. 胜利属于人民。 victory belongs to the people. 胜利在望。 victory is in sight.2.(达到预定目的) successfully; triumphantly 胜利完成任务 successfully carry out one's task; 胜利者 victor; winner得利者: beneficiary; gainer获利者: gainer攫利者: stag失利者: loser; victim食利者: rentier势利者: highhat; respecter; snoot; tufthunter套利者: arbitrager; arbitrageur专利者: monopolist胜利在一起: stand together fight together and win together胜利在望: the dawn og victory