- victoriously
- 胜利: win; victory; triumph
- 地: the earth
- 欣喜胜利地: triumphantly
- 胜利地结束一局: finish of a game; finish off a game
- 胜利: 1.(获胜) win; victory; triumph 外交上的胜利 a diplomatic triumph; 胜利归来 return in triumph; 胜利果实 fruits of victory; 祝你们取得更大胜利 wish you greater success; 胜利来之不易。 victory is not won easily. 胜利属于人民。 victory belongs to the people. 胜利在望。 victory is in sight.2.(达到预定目的) successfully; triumphantly 胜利完成任务 successfully carry out one's task; 胜利者 victor; winner