

发音:   用"背面边"造句
  • back side edge
  • 背面:    the back; the reverse side; ...
  • :    side; section
  • 背面:    the back; the reverse side; the wrong side 信封的背面 the back of an envelope; 请阅背面 please turn over (p.t.o.); see overleaf; 背面半球 averted hemisphere (月球的); 背面布线 back wiring; 背面场 back surface field; 背面镀银镜 rear-silvered mirror; 背面防光晕层 antihalation backing; 背面放映合成摄影 rear projection process photography; 背面割面 back cupping; 背面光 back light; rear light; 背面焊缝 sealing run; 背面加固 fastback; 背面加厚织物 backed cloth; 背面加重织物 backed cloth; 背面接触式晶体管 back-contact transistor; 背面馈送 face-down feed; 背面扩散 back-diffusion; 背面立视图 rear clevation; 背面平纹哔叽 plainback; 背面起绒织物 backed cloth; 背面上胶 backing; 背面上浆 back starching; 背面竖砌砖墙 rowlock-back; 背面投射 backproject; 背面投影 rear projection; 背面投影机 back [rear] projector; 背面涂胶的标签 sticker; 背面线圈 backside loop; 背面印刷 backside [reverse] printing; 背面照明 back lighting; back bias
  • 正面边:    front side edge
  • 表面边界层:    surface boundary layer; surfaceboundarylayer


        背面:    the back; the reverse side; ...
        :    side; section
        背面:    the back; the reverse side; the wrong side 信封的背面 the back of an envelope; 请阅背面 please turn over (p.t.o.); see overleaf; 背面半球 averted hemisphere (月球的); 背面布线 back wiring; 背面场 back surface field; 背面镀银镜 rear-silvered mirror; 背面防光晕层 antihalation backing; 背面放映合成摄影 rear projection process photography; 背面割面 back cupping; 背面光 back light; rear light; 背面焊缝 sealing run; 背面加固 fastback; 背面加厚织物 backed cloth; 背面加重织物 backed cloth; 背面接触式晶体管 back-contact transistor; 背面馈送 face-down feed; 背面扩散 back-diffusion; 背面立视图 rear clevation; 背面平纹哔叽 plainback; 背面起绒织物 backed cloth; 背面上胶 backing; 背面上浆 back starching; 背面竖砌砖墙 rowlock-back; 背面投射 backproject; 背面投影 rear projection; 背面投影机 back [rear] projector; 背面涂胶的标签 sticker; 背面线圈 backside loop; 背面印刷 backside [reverse] printing; 背面照明 back lighting; back bias
        正面边:    front side edge
        表面边界层:    surface boundary layer; surfaceboundarylayer
        底面边视图:    base edge
        地面边界:    ground board
        地面边界层:    surface boundary layer; surfaceboundarylayer
        光面边缘:    plain edge
        界面边界:    interfacial boundary
        净面边材,:    bright sap
        路面边缘:    edge of pavement
        路面边缘线:    side-of-pavement line
        孪晶面边界:    twin boundary; twin plane boundary; twin-plane boundary
        面边不平直:    gabetween toleaves
        平面边界:    plane boundary
        平面边界层:    plan boundary layer
        破裂面边缘:    edge of fracture
        曲面边界:    surf edge; surface edge
        软页面边界:    soft page break
        斜面边框:    blurs
        页面边界:    margin for page; page boundary
        靶背面:    back face of target
        背面(螺桨):    back
        背面板:    backplate


  1. "背面,书的左页,书的反页"英文
  2. "背面安装的"英文
  3. "背面板"英文
  4. "背面半球"英文
  5. "背面剥离"英文
  6. "背面布线"英文
  7. "背面材料"英文
  8. "背面材质"英文
  9. "背面采脂法"英文
  10. "背面层"英文


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