The pesticides affect the nervous system by inhibiting the enzyme cholinesterase . 这类农药抑制胆碱酯酶而影响神经系统。
The enzyme cholinesterase is important in the transmission of nerve impulses . 胆碱酯酶在神经刺激的传导中起着重要作用。
Two basic types of cholinesterase activity are found in the tissues of all animals . 所有动物的组织内部都有两种基型的胆碱酯酶活性。
Certain drugs and chemicals also have been shown to decrease the activity of pseudocholine esterase . 有些药物和化学制品也表明能降低拟胆碱酯酶的活性。
Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester . 阿托品是治疗由于用胆碱酯类不慎而引起的心血管性虚脱的特效解毒剂。