

发音:   用"胃小弯淋巴结"造句
  • lymph node of lesser curvature of stomach
  • :    stomach
  • :    small; little; petty; minor
  • :    curved; bent; crooked; flexu ...
  • 淋巴结:    lymph gland; lymphonodus; ly ...
  • 胃大弯淋巴结:    lymph node of greater curvature of stomach


        :    stomach
        :    small; little; petty; minor
        :    curved; bent; crooked; flexu ...
        淋巴结:    lymph gland; lymphonodus; ly ...
        胃大弯淋巴结:    lymph node of greater curvature of stomach
        胃小弯:    arcus minor ventriculi; curvatura gastrica minor; curvatura ventriculi minor; curvatura veutriculi minor; le er gastric curvature; lesser curvature of stomach; lesser gastric curvature
        淋巴结:    [医学] lymph gland [node]; lymphonodus (pl. lymphonodi); lymphaden; lymphatic gland; lymphoglandula◇淋巴结病 lymphadenopathy; 淋巴结肥大 lymphadenhypertrophy; 淋巴结结核 crewels; scrofula; tuberculous lymphadenitis; 淋巴结囊肿 lymphadenocyst; 淋巴结炎 lymphnoditis; lymphadenitis; porodenia; 淋巴结增大 lymphadenovarix; 淋巴结肿 enlargement of lymph node; adenophyma
        小弯:    lesser curvature
        门淋巴结,肺门淋巴结:    hilar lymph nodes
        淋巴小结, 淋巴结:    noduli lymphatici
        cloquet淋巴结:    lymph node of cloquet
        膀胱淋巴结:    lymphonoduli vesic
        鼻唇淋巴结:    nasolabial lymph node; nodulus lymphaticus nasolabialis
        臂淋巴结:    brachial gland
        臂浅淋巴结:    superficial lymph nodes of upper limb
        臂深淋巴结:    deep lymph nodes of upper limb
        表浅淋巴结:    superficial lymph node
        出血淋巴结:    hemolymph gland
        胆囊淋巴结:    cystic lymph node
        耳后淋巴结:    lymphoglandulae auriculares posteriores; lymphoglandulae mastoideae; posterior auricular lymph node; retroauricular gland; retroauricular lymph nodes
        耳前淋巴结:    anterior auricular lymph node; anterior auricular lymphnodes; lymphoglandulae auriculares anteriores; lymphonodi auriculares anteriores; preauricular lymph nodes; preauricular node
        耳下淋巴结:    inferior auricular lymph node; lymphoglandulae auriculares inferiores; lymphonodi auriculares inferiores; subauricular glands
        发炎淋巴结:    bubo
        肺淋巴结:    lymph node of lung; lymphoglandulae pupmonales; lymphonodi pulmonales; nodi lymphatici pulmonales; pulmonary lymph node
        肺门淋巴结:    hilar node; pulmonary hilar lymph node


  1. "胃小斑, 胃糜烂斑"英文
  2. "胃小肠结肠吻合术"英文
  3. "胃小肠结肠炎"英文
  4. "胃小区"英文
  5. "胃小弯"英文
  6. "胃小窝"英文
  7. "胃小窝中间型"英文
  8. "胃斜纤维"英文
  9. "胃心的"英文
  10. "胃心切迹"英文


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