胃口: appetite; belly的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...家畜: domestic animal; farm livest ...胃口不好的家畜 食欲不振的牲畜: pooreater胃口不好: have a poor appetite; weak appetite我的胃口不好: i have got a bad appetite不好的家: shim's family不好的: bad; objectionable; poor; shady等宰的家畜: butcher's beast迷路的家畜: stray迷失的家畜: estray使某人胃口不舒服: upset sb s stomach供食用的家畜。: fat stock省饲料的家畜: easy keeper保存不好的: poorly preserved不好的动作: bad show不好的境地: ill being; ill-being; illbeingg不好的镜头: ng不好的开端: br /123.off to a bad start不好的例子: bad examples不好的形式: deform不好的纸: retree成绩不好的: unsuccessful发得不好的: heavy加热不好的: poorly heated