肾: kidney小: small; little; petty; minor管: pipe; tube和: mix; blend集合: gather; assemble; muster; ca ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...转运: transport; transfer; transsh ...功能: function肾小管和集合管的泌尿功能: reabsorption and secretion in renal tubule and collecting duct肾小球肾小管的: glomerulotubular肾小管转运率极限: maximal rate of tubular transport肾小管最大转运量: maximal tubular transferring capacity; tubular transport maximum肾小管最大转运率: maximal rate for tubular transport; tubular transport maximum肾小管的分泌作用: renal tubular secretion肾小管的基底膜: tubular basement membrane二、细胞膜的物质转运功能: transport of substances through the cell membrane细胞膜的物质转运功能: transport of substances through the cell membrane肾小管功能不全: renal tubular insufficiency肾小管功能异常: fanconi-de toni syndrome肾小管滤过功能: glomerular filtrating function肾小管酸化尿功能: urine acidified function of renal tubules肾小管的排泄物成分: tubular rejection fraction集合管: air header; air manifold; collecting duct; collecting tube; collecting tubule; collector pipe; collectors; concentrated pipe; manifolds肾小管: kidney tubule; malpighian tubule; nephric tubule; nephridial tubule; renal tubules; tubuli renales; urinary tubule; uriniferous tubules第一节 细胞膜的结构和物质转运功能: cellular membrane and transmembrane transport of substances; the structure and solute transport of the cellular membrane