An analysis of risk factors on pulmonary complications after abdominal operation 腹部手术后肺部并发症危险因素分析
Bleeding management during and after operation in patients with cholelithiasis and liver cirrhosis 胆石症手术病人术后肺部并发症的危险因素探讨
Neurogenic pulmonary edema ( npe ) is a rare or easily underdiagnosed pulmonary complication that occurs after central nervous system damage 摘要神经性肺水肿是一种中枢神经伤害后少见且不易诊断的肺部并发症。
Until the performance of transplantation , other therapeutic modalities should be applied in order to relieve symptoms and prevent pulmonary complications 在肝移植之前,应采用其他的治疗方法以缓解症状,和防止肺部并发症的发生。
Although diagnosis and treatment were provided without delay when he arrived the hospital on the next day , he run a deteriorating course to mortality after surgical operation , mainly from pulmonary complications followed by multiple organ failure 受伤翌日患者抵达医院,虽然实时被诊断并接受治疗,术后还是因为肺部并发症、后续多器官衰竭而去世。