Residential creches and nurseries - for babies to children under 6 留宿育婴园及幼儿园(对象为0 - 6岁者)
Creche and nursery 育婴园及幼儿中心
Learning centre for babies , toddlers and children from 8 weeks to 4 years of age in hong kong -提供服务介绍救世军幼儿园及育婴园的资料入学申请表。
Receiving full - day care services in child care centres day nurseries and day crches registered with emb social welfare department 在教统局社会福利署社署辖下的注册幼儿中心即幼儿园及育婴园接受全日制托管服务。
Other contacts : a total of 5 children including this case , aged between three and six years old of a yuen long child care centre presented with hand - foot - mouth disease from june 10 to 24 , 2004 其他:该名男童及其他4名小孩年介乎3至6岁在2004年6月10至24日期间,感染手足口病。 5人均受托于元朗一间育婴园。
育婴: nurse a baby educate园: an area of land for growing ...留宿育婴园: residential creche日间育婴园: day creche非留宿育婴园: non-residential creche日间育婴园服务: day creche service育婴: feed and infant; feeding of an infant日间幼儿园及育婴园的缴费资助个案研究: study of fee assistance cases in day nurseries and day creches育婴法: infanticulture育婴房: casa de los babys; dinobabies育婴记: bringing up baby育婴室: nursery room / mother and baby room; nurture room育婴所: crèche育婴堂: [旧时用语] foundling hospital育婴院: baby farm; infant asylum; nursery代人育婴者。: baby farmer停职育婴期: baby break同室育婴: rooming-in育婴常识: infants: health maintenance; infants: common problems; infants: starting solid foods; infants: vaccination time table; infants: weaning off breast feeding育婴女佣: nursemaid育婴奇谭: bringing up baby; broken arrow育婴指南。: baby book产假停职育婴期: baby break佛洛伦萨育婴院: foundling hospital, florence和育婴堂博物馆: foundling museum