Whether or not to use a sling in such cases is a very controversial issue 至于是否应该用肩吊带来预防及矫正肩关节的半脱位,一直是个令人争论的问题。
The author reviews the literature and discusses the management of subluxation in terms of anatomical structure , kinesiology of the shoulder complex and the causes of subluxation 本文作者拟就肩部之解剖构造、肌动学、造成肩部半脱位的原因、学者专家们对半脱位与肩吊带所持的看法及应有的正确处理方法等有关文献,加以整理,作一介绍。
The purpose of this article is to help rehabilitation professionals have a clearer understanding of subluxation and the use of slings and be able to help themin treation patients with greater confidence and effectiveness 希望此篇能够提供复健有关人员作为参考,使对肩部半脱位与肩吊带有更深一步的了解,在日后治疗病患时,能更具信心,并有所助益。