Effect of returning corn straw into soil on soil fertility 玉米秸秆还田培肥土壤的效果
Organic fertilizer is the important link of maintaining and improving soil nutrient equilibrium and improving soil fertility 有机肥是维持和促进土壤养分平衡,培肥土壤的重要环节。
Soil organic matter can be regarded as one of soil fertility index , so manure culture and maize straw treatment is beneficial for soil fertility 土壤有机质可作为土壤肥力指标之一,所以采取有机肥培肥和秸秆还田的培肥模式,有利于培肥土壤,提高土壤肥力。
It is concluded that the mixed stand can be able to be self - rich in soil fertility , which benefit the maintenance and improvement of site fertility under chinese fir plantation 表明杉木拟赤杨混交林具有良好的培肥土壤功能,对杉木人工林的地力维持和提高有重要意义。
Thus , establishment of sustainable agriculture on the often shallow , low fertility and sloping soils of the rainfed uplands in s e asia demands first a buildup of soil fertility 因此在东南亚雨养旱地大多是浅薄而缺乏养分的坡地土壤上建立持续农业,首先以及归根到底是需要培肥土壤。