

发音:   用"股内前廉"造句
  • medial aspect of the thigh
  • medial thigh
  • :    thigh; haunches
  • :    inner; inside; within
  • :    front
  • :    honest and clean
  • 股内前濂:    medial thigh; medial aspect of the thigh


        :    thigh; haunches
        :    inner; inside; within
        :    front
        :    honest and clean
        股内前濂:    medial thigh; medial aspect of the thigh
        股内翻:    femur varum
        股内肌:    vastus medialis; musculus vastus internus
        骨盆内前突:    intrapelvic protrusio
        内前四分体:    inner anterior quadrant; inneranteriorquadrant
        枕内前结合:    anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis
        股内侧部:    regio femoris medialsi
        股内侧肌:    medial vastus muscle; vastus medialis muscle
        股内侧筋膜:    fascia femoralis medialis
        股内侧面:    facies medialis femoris
        股内侧区:    medial region of thigh; regiones femoris medialis
        股内面皮肤:    skin of medial surface of thigh
        股内收肌层:    lamina vastoadductoria
        股内收即射:    thigh adductor reflex
        股内旋动脉:    medial circumflex femoral artery
        旋股内静脉:    medial circumflex femoral veins
        椎内前静脉丛:    anterior internal vertebral venous plexus; plexus venosi vertebrales interni anterior; plexus venosus vertebralis internus anterior
        股内侧,大腿内侧:    femoribus internus
        股内侧肌间隔:    medial femoral intermuscular septum; medial intermuscular ligament of thigh; medial intermuscular septum of thigh; medialintermuscularseptumofthigh; septum intermusculare femoris mediale
        股内侧浅静脉:    medial femoral superficial vein; medialfemoralsuperficialvein; vena superficialis femoris medialis
        旋股内侧动脉:    arteria circumflexa femoris media-lis; arteriae circumflexa femoris medialis; medial circumflex femoral circumflex artery; medial femoral circumflex artery



  1. "股内侧区"英文
  2. "股内翻"英文
  3. "股内肌"英文
  4. "股内肌功能康复"英文
  5. "股内面皮肤"英文
  6. "股内前濂"英文
  7. "股内收肌层"英文
  8. "股内收即射"英文
  9. "股内旋动脉"英文
  10. "股脓肿"英文


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