股份: share; stock; interest; allo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...认购: offer to buy; subscribe; sub ...和: mix; blend分配: distribution; allocation; as ...采购和分配计划: procurement and distribution plan股份的分配: allotment of shares; allotmentofshares股份认购及分配薄: application and allotment book; locations and allotment book股份认购及分配簿: application and allotment book有特权的认购: privileged subscription股份的没收: forfeiture of shares股份的面值: the nominal value of the shares股份的转让: transfer of stock调和分配器: proportional dispenser库存和分配: i & a inventory and allocations亲和分配: affinity precipitation亲和分配法: affinity partitioning吸收和分配: uptake and partitioning运送和分配: shipping and distribution股份认购: stock subscriptions股份认购权: qualified stock option; share option认购股份: equity subscription; subscription for shares; subscription of shares持少数股份的股东: minority of shareholders股份的……登记持有人: registered holder of shares股份的分散转移: stock split-up