联邦: federation; union; commonwea ...联邦商业银行: commercial federal bank; union bank of taiwan奥地利联邦商会: austrian federal economic chamber联邦商务委员会: federal trade commission联邦商业委员会: ftc(federal trade commission英联邦商业理事会: commonwealth business council英联邦商业论坛: commonwealth business forum澳大利亚联邦商业银行: commonwealth trading bank of australia商机: business opportunities; shangji德邦商店: dervish and banges东邦商会: toho shokai co., ltd联邦: federation; union; commonwealth 英联邦 the british commonwealth of nations; 联邦储备券 federal reserve note; 联邦储备银行 federal reserve bank; 联邦存款保险 federal deposit insurance; 联邦调查局 the (u.s.) federal bureau of investigation (fbi); 联邦法律 federal law; 联邦法院 federal court; 联邦基金 federal funds; 联邦贸易委员会 the federal trade commission; 联邦铁路 federal railway; 联邦议会 federal parliament; 联邦政府 federal government; 联邦制 federal system; federalism创意商机: creative business idea磋商机能: machinery for consultation各类商机: types of business opportunities抢占商机: seize commercial opportunity商机公司: ubo商机无限: business challenge投资及商机: investment opportunities网路商机: net gain协商机构: consultation machinery; machinery for consultations协商机制: consultation mechanism优势商机: advantages of a business opportunity富邦商业银行: fubon commercial bank电话寻找商机: br / hunting business by telephone; huntingbusinessbytelephone