联: unite; join线性方程: linear equation非线性方程: non linear equation; nonlinear equation拟线性方程: quasi linear equation; quasilinear equation线性方程解: linear equation solution线性方程式: linear equation线性方程组: a system of simultaneous linear equations; lineares gleichungssystem linear system of equations; system of linear equations; set of linear equation; solving linear equations; system of linear equations准线性方程: quasi linear equation; quasilinear equation线性联立方程: linear simultaneous equations对称线性方程: symmetric linear equations; symmetrical linear equation二元线性方程: linear equation in two unknowns非线性方程式: nonlinear equation非线性方程组: set of nonlinear equation; system of non linear equations; system of nonlinear equations拟线性方程组: quasilinear system of equations齐次线性方程: homogeneous linear equation无关线性方程: independent linear equation相关线性方程: dependent linear equation严格线性方程: strictly linear equation一般线性方程: general linear equation线性方程;一次方程: linear equation超定的线性方程组: overdetermined linear equations超定线性方程组: overdetermined linear equation非齐次线性方程: nonhomogeneous linear equation解线性方程组法: simultaneous equations method解一元线性方程: solving simultaneous equation