The united nations food agency has announced it will terminate its assistance to increasingly prosperous china 联合国粮食计划署宣布,他们将停止对经济日益繁荣的中国提供粮食援助。
A drop in the ocean : the wfp reckons it will have to feed as many as 4m zimbabweans by next april 这实在只是沧海一粟:联合国粮食计划署预计,到明年4月,他们必须为400万津巴布韦人提供必需品。
On saturday , pirates tried but failed to hijack a boat carrying food to somalia for the united nations world food program 星期六,海盗试图劫持一艘为联合国粮食计划署向索马里运送食品的船只,但是没有得手。
The un ' s world food programme ( wfp ) said that army chiefs in mandalay briefly restricted its much - needed food supplies ( see article ) 联合国粮食计划署曾表示,曼德勒的军方指挥官们暂时禁止了其急需的粮食供应。
联合国: the United Nations粮食: grain; cereals; food计划: plan; project; programme; de ...署: a government office; office粮食计划署: wfp世界粮食计划署(联合国机构,美国纽约): wfp world food programme世界粮食计划署: wf world food programme; wfp; world food programme联合国粮食会议: united natio food conference; united nations food conference联合国世界粮食计划国际委员会: united nations intergovermental committee of the world food program粮食计划署华盛顿联络处: wfliaison office washington粮食计划署纽约联络处: wfliaison office new york粮食计划署日本联络处: wfliaison office japan粮食计划署日内瓦联络处: wfliaison office geneva世界粮食计划署执行主任: executivedirectoroftheworldfoodprogramme世界粮食计划署总部协定: headquarters agreement for the world food programme联合国粮食和农业组织: fao; united natio food and agriculture organization; united nations food and agriculture organization联合国粮食及农业组织: fao food and agriculture organization; food and agricultural organization of the united nations&slash;fao; rdes; u.n. food and agricultural organization联合国粮食农业组织: food and agriculture organization fao); food and agriculture organization,fao联合国粮食与农业组织: fao; food and agriculture organization联合国环境计划署: united nations environment programme联合国开发计划署: entwicklungsprogramm n.der vereinten nationen (undp); u.n. development programme; und united nations development programme; undunited nations development program; united natio development programme (undp); united nations development program (undp); united nations development program, nudp; united nations development programme (undp); united nations development progtamme粮食计划署布鲁塞尔联络处: wfliaison office brussels世界粮食计划署埃塞俄比亚运输作业: world food programme transport operation in ethiopia世界粮食计划署非洲信息系统: world food programme information system for africa世界粮食计划署政府间委员会: intergovernmental committee of the world food programme