

发音:   用"聊天区"造句
  • chatting area
  • chatting zone
  • :    H region; H
  • 聊天:    chapter small talk; chew the rag; chin music; chitchat; confabulate with; coze; have a chat; irc:internet relay chat; quack; r - raidchat raid; small talks; visit with; windows
  • 深天区观测:    deep-field o ervation; deep-field observation; defield observation
  • 无源天区:    cold sky
  • 哈佛标准天区:    harvard standard region


  1. We would also like to remind you that any personal details revealed on the internet such as in discussion areas , bbs , chat rooms may be collected and used by other people
    并提醒您,您自愿于网际网路上如在讨论区留言板聊天区. .等透露个人资料,均可能会被他人?集和使用,您可能会收到他人主动提供的电子邮件。


        :    H region; H
        聊天:    chapter small talk; chew the rag; chin music; chitchat; confabulate with; coze; have a chat; irc:internet relay chat; quack; r - raidchat raid; small talks; visit with; windows
        深天区观测:    deep-field o ervation; deep-field observation; defield observation
        无源天区:    cold sky
        哈佛标准天区:    harvard standard region
        特深天区观测:    ultradeep-field o ervation; ultradeep-field observation; ultradefield observation
        聊聊天:    it's only talk
        聊天,争论:    chew the fat
        聊天的:    meandering
        聊天儿:    [口语] chat; gossip; small talk 我喜欢与朋友在一起聊天儿。 i enjoy a chat with a friend. 我只是和他聊天儿, 并没有谈到重要的事。 i only passed the time of day with him. we didn't talk about anything important. 孩子们在玩时, 父亲与邻居聊天儿。 father shot the breeze with his neighbour while the children were playing. 让我们停止聊天儿, 着手工作吧。 let's stop chewing the fat and get down to work
        聊天室:    c chat room; chat boxes; chatroom; chatting room
        聊天网:    client exited; i-vedio-chat; remote closedtheconnection
        聊天站:    chat forums
        闲聊天:    no.to shoot the breeze
        倚天区热情版主:    eill
        倚天区荣誉版主:    uear
        在网上聊天室聊天:    chat on the icq
        irc聊天频道:    irc channels
        爱聊天的人:    news monger
        打电话聊天:    have a long telephone conversation
        打开聊天室:    visit room
        到访聊天室:    visit room
        电脑聊天:    cyberchat
        多人聊天:    grouchat; multi-user chats
        富文本聊天:    rich text for outgoing chats


  1. "聊天记录"英文
  2. "聊天记录备份专家"英文
  3. "聊天记录器"英文
  4. "聊天记录专家"英文
  5. "聊天纪绿"英文
  6. "聊天热线〔电话局提供的一种服务〕。"英文
  7. "聊天软件"英文
  8. "聊天软件汉化"英文
  9. "聊天设定"英文
  10. "聊天室"英文


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