耽: delay abandon oneself to; in ...美: beautiful; pretty小说: novel; fiction; story集: gather; assemble; collect小说集: collected stories; ficciones; umd txt jar短篇小说集: short novels科幻小说集: the science fiction novels李凉小说集: txt短篇小说集剧本: complete short stories开除短篇小说集: the expelled三十年间小说集: stories of three decades就在我头上短篇小说集: just above my head山中寒冬短篇小说集: a winter in the hills神枪手迪克短篇小说集: deadeye dick一点学问短篇小说集: a little learning印度之行短篇小说集: a passage to india爱尔兰文学回顾短篇小说集: my father’s son the backward look:a survey of irish literature来自空脑壳的蜘蛛网短篇小说集: cobwebs from an empty skull它为强暴者所夺走短篇小说集: the violent bear it away这本小说集收录了他的作品: his works are included in this anthology of stories. listen in and take down耽美文: jin&p传说集: legendry小说: novel; fiction; story 武侠小说 chivalrous story; 侦探小说 detective [mystery] novel; 淫秽小说 hot [naughty; sex; sexy] novel; 长篇小说 novel; 中篇小说 medium-length novel; novelette; 短篇小说 short story; 小说家 storywriter; novelist; writer of fiction ed耽美杂志: ed耽美广播剧: bl drama