

  • cochlear reserve
  • reserve cochlear
  • 储备:    store for future use; lay in ...
  • 耳蜗:    concha labyrinthi; helmet shell; trochlea labyrinthi
  • 储备:    1.(储存备用) store for future use; lay in; lay up 储备过冬饲料 lay up fodder for the winter; 储备粮食 store up grain; build up supplies of grain2.(储藏品) reserve; store 黄金储备 gold reserve; 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; 储备原料 have raw materials in store
  • 耳蜗, 蜗:    cochleae
  • 耳蜗窗:    fenestra cochleae


        储备:    store for future use; lay in ...
        耳蜗:    concha labyrinthi; helmet shell; trochlea labyrinthi
        储备:    1.(储存备用) store for future use; lay in; lay up 储备过冬饲料 lay up fodder for the winter; 储备粮食 store up grain; build up supplies of grain2.(储藏品) reserve; store 黄金储备 gold reserve; 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; 储备原料 have raw materials in store
        耳蜗, 蜗:    cochleae
        耳蜗窗:    fenestra cochleae
        耳蜗的:    cochlear
        耳蜗根:    radix cochlearis
        耳蜗管:    canal of cochlea; cochlea canal; cochlea duct; cochlear canal; cochlear duct; ductus cochlearis
        耳蜗核:    cochlear nuclei; cochlear nucleus
        耳蜗区:    area cochleae
        耳蜗炎:    cochleitis; cochlitis; cochloitis
        耳蜗支:    ramus cochleae
        耳蜗轴:    cochlear axis; modiolus cochleae
        耳蜗窦:    sinus cochleae
        膜耳蜗:    membranous cochlea
        电子耳蜗,电子耳蜗管:    electrical cochlea
        电子耳蜗:    electrical cochlea; electronic cochlea; electronic conchlea
        电子耳蜗管:    electrical cochlea
        耳迷路, 耳蜗:    acustic labyrinth
        耳蜗背侧核:    dorsal cochlear nucleus
        耳蜗电图:    electrocochleogram
        耳蜗电图机:    electrocochleograph
        耳蜗电位:    ccochlear potential; cochlear potential
        耳蜗动脉:    cochlear artery
        耳蜗动脉丛:    arterial tufts of cochlea


  1. "耳闻证人"英文
  2. "耳蜗"英文
  3. "耳蜗, 蜗"英文
  4. "耳蜗背侧核"英文
  5. "耳蜗颤噪效应"英文
  6. "耳蜗传音器效应"英文
  7. "耳蜗窗"英文
  8. "耳蜗的"英文
  9. "耳蜗的感音换能作用"英文
  10. "耳蜗电刺激器植入术"英文


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