Madge took levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging jeanie along with her into a sort of recess . 玛吉听从莱维特的劝告,尽快地拉着珍妮走进一个跟耳房差不多的地方。
Oooh ! wailed the servant - girl , pointing to the lodge . thats it , that same was our lodging 这姑娘指出耳房哭了, “就是那间,那就是我们的家。
The count turned up his sleeves , and passed into the little vestibule where the gentlemen were accustomed to wash their hands after shooting 伯爵卷起袖子,走进那间专供练习射击的先生们练习完后洗手的小耳房里。
She invited the two girls into a side room , where pao - chai sat on a couch and tai - yu on miao - yu ' s hassock , while the nun ( 尼姑 ) herself fanned the stove and when the water boiled brewed ( 煮茶 ) some fresh tea 只见妙玉让他二人在耳房内,宝钗坐在榻上,黛玉便坐在妙玉的蒲团上.妙玉自向风炉上扇滚了水,另泡一壶茶
He was met on the way by the coachmen and footmen of the bolkonskys , who with shouts dragged his carriages and sledge to the lodge , over the road , which had been purposely obstructed with snow again 车夫和堂倌们在大道上大路被称为大道迎接他。他们在故意撒上雪花的路上大喊大叫地把他的马车和雪橇拉到耳房前面。
耳房的法语:petits bâtiments latéraux(accolés au principal耳房的日语:“正房 zhèngfáng ”(母家)の両端に建てられたやや低い部屋.▼“耳屋 ěrwū ”ともいう.耳房的韩语:[명사] 정방(正房)의 양 쪽 옆에 있는 작은 방.耳房的俄语:pinyin:ěrfáng флигель; помещение в крыле здания, боковая комната耳房什么意思:ěrfáng 跟正房相连的两侧的小屋,也指厢房两旁的小屋。