

发音:   用"耦合矩阵"造句
  • coupled matrix
  • coupling matrix


  1. Analyze the conventional method for resolving the coupling matrix and give out an improved method at the same time , the improved method is just relative to the physics characteristics and not change with the scan angle
  2. The mass matrix and the coupling matrix of bending and torsion vary with the time concern to the deflections of the system when the nonlinear inertial term and the geometric non - linearity term are comprised in the dynamic formulation
  3. We studied the multimode coupling matrix of the key waveguide discontinuity , waveguide step , with the modal fields expansions in waveguides . and obtained the relations with the multimode coupling matrix , the generalized admittance matrices and the generalized scattering matrices . we have compiled some subroutines in fortran 95 programming language to compute the multimode coupling matrix , admittance matrices , scattering matrices and their operates with each other


        耦合:    coupling; interconnection; c ...
        矩阵:    matrix; array
        不聚合矩阵:    disaggregation matrix
        对合矩阵:    involutory matrix
        复合矩阵:    compound matrices
        混合矩阵:    hybrid matrix
        结合矩阵:    associated matrices
        相合矩阵:    congruent matrices; congruent matrix
        组合矩阵:    combinatorial matrix; combined matrix; composite matrix
        共轭相合矩阵:    conjunctive matrices
        相合矩阵乘法:    congruent matrix multiplication
        重合矩阵开关:    coincidence matrix switch
        合矩:    moment of sum
        耦合:    [物理学] coupling; interconnection; catena; linkage; linking 机械耦合 mechanical coupling; 耦合摆 coupled pendulum; 耦合电路 coupling circuit; coupled circuit ;耦合度 degree of coupling; coupling factor; 耦合器 [电磁] coupler; 耦合系数 coefficient of coupling; [电子学] index of coupling; coupling factor; 耦合线圈 coupling coil; coupling inductor; pickup coil
        s矩阵:    s matrix; s-matrix
        t矩阵:    t matrix
        矩阵:    [数学] matrix; array
        复合矩形波信号:    composite square wave signal
        j耦合:    j j coupling j
        rc耦合:    rc coupling
        包耦合:    package coupling
        波耦合:    wave coupling
        槽耦合:    slot coupling
        场耦合:    field coupling
        磁耦合:    magnetic coupling


  1. "耦合结构"英文
  2. "耦合介质"英文
  3. "耦合金属"英文
  4. "耦合晶体管"英文
  5. "耦合镜"英文
  6. "耦合开关"英文
  7. "耦合空间"英文
  8. "耦合空腔脉塞"英文
  9. "耦合空腔微波激射器"英文
  10. "耦合孔"英文


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