It should be noted that if the transformer and line coupling components are known precisely , the identification algorithms are accurate beyond 18 kft for noiseless conditions 需要注意的是如果变压器和线路耦合元件精确的已知,识别算法在无噪声环境里精确的距离超过18千英尺。
Due to the sole - designed of the low voltage startup and power testing , for combined with the other four modules , we built the hardware and software flats , it was also convenient for continued extension . but , if there was different system wanted to combined in this system , we must redesigned all the hardware and software , it was a very hard work and could bring incompatibility . for this instance , the text designed a suit of number discriminating embedding system 但是如果有不同类型的系统也要增加到本系统中的话,就需要重新设计软硬件,工作量很大,还容易产生不兼容等问题,针对这种情况,本文设计了一套数字识别的电器安全测试嵌入式系统,可以面向多台仪器装置,不采用电气的连接,即是不改变原来的仪器装置,通过电压耦合元件摄像头和视频捕获卡从测量仪器的显示屏幕获取测试信息,再把信息传送到原来系统,从而组成了一个新的系统。