

[ nàisuān ] 发音:   "耐酸"的汉语解释   用"耐酸"造句
  • acidproof; acid-resisting
    ◇耐酸泵 acid-proof pump; 耐酸材料 acid proof material; acid-resistant material; 耐酸缸器 acidproof stoneware; 耐酸混凝土 acid resisting concrete; 耐酸剂 acid proofing agent; 耐酸漆 acid resistant paint; acid-resisting paint; etching ink; 耐酸搪瓷 acid-proof enamel; 耐酸陶器 acid-resisting stoneware; 耐酸涂料 [材料] acid-resistant paint; acid-proof coating; acid-proof paint; 耐酸性 acid resistance; resistance to acid; acid fastness; acidresistivity
  • 耐酸,抗酸:    acid proof
  • 耐酸板:    acid-proof slab; acid-resistant plate
  • 耐酸泵:    acid proof pump; acid-proof pump; acid-resistant pump; acid-resisting pump; anti-acid pump
  • 耐酸槽:    acid-resisting vessel
  • 耐酸草:    fringed brome


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The roof is acid-resistant concrete and carries the acid distributor and its drive .
  2. Certain colors, due to pigment ingredients, may inherently have very poor sulfuric acid resistance .
  3. Method for the determination of resistance to acid of pigments
  4. Acid alkali resistant and corrosion resistant coatings
  5. Stainless acid - resistant steel castings - specifications


        耐酸,抗酸:    acid proof
        耐酸板:    acid-proof slab; acid-resistant plate
        耐酸泵:    acid proof pump; acid-proof pump; acid-resistant pump; acid-resisting pump; anti-acid pump
        耐酸槽:    acid-resisting vessel
        耐酸草:    fringed brome
        耐酸衬:    acid-proof lining
        耐酸的:    acid fast; acid proof; acid resistant; acid resisting; acid resusting; acid tolerant; acidfast; acid-resistant; acid-resisting; aciduric; antacid; anti acid; antiacid; calcitrant; contra-acid
        耐酸度:    acid fastness; fastness to acid
        耐酸阀:    acid valve; acid-proof valve
        耐酸钢:    acid proof steel; acid resistant steel; acid resisting steel; acid-acid-proof steel; acid-resistant steel; acid-resisting steel; acid-resustyng steel
        耐酸缸:    acid-proof stoneware
        耐酸管:    acid-proof pipe
        耐酸灰:    chamotte
        耐酸剂:    acid proofing agent
        耐酸碱:    acid and alkali-resistance; ph1-14
        耐酸菌:    acid fast bacteria; acid-fast bacterium; aciduric bacteria
        耐酸铝:    aluminite; alumite
        耐酸漆:    acid resisting paint; acid-proof varnish; acid-resisting paint; acid-resusrant pait; anti-acidic paint; etching ink
        耐酸铅:    acid lead
        耐酸铁:    acid-proof iron; acid-resisting iron; duriron
        耐酸铜:    acid resisting bronze; acid resisting steel
        耐酸性:    acid endurance; acid fastness; acid resistance; acid resistivity; acid tolerance; acid-resistance; aciduric; fastness to acid perspiration; resistance to acid
        耐酸纸:    acid proof paper,acid resistant paper; anti-acid paper; anti- acid paper; resistant paper
        耐酸砖:    acid brick; acid proof brick; acid resistant brick; acid resisting brick; acid resisting tile; acid-proof castings; acid-resistant brick; acid-resisting brick; digester brick; digester tile
        耐丝光色牢度:    color fastness to mercerizing; colour fastness to mercerizing
        耐酸斑色牢度:    textilestests of colour fastnesscolour fastness to spoting:acidacid


        耐酸的韩语:(1)[동사] 산에 견디다. (2)[형용사] 산에 강하다. 내산성이 있다. 耐酸缸器; 내산성 석기(炻器) 耐酸混凝土; 내산성 콘크리트
        耐酸的俄语:pinyin:nàisuān тех. кислотоупорный, кислотостойкий
        耐酸的印尼文:tahan asid;
        耐酸什么意思:  1.  谓能经受清寒。    ▶ 明 袁宗道 《元宵》诗: “ 白苏居士 大耐酸, 菜盂粥碗坐团圞。”    2.  能耐酸性侵蚀。 如: 耐酸水泥;耐酸搪瓷。


  1. "耐斯"英文
  2. "耐斯太填塞箱变形耐纶丝"英文
  3. "耐撕裂性"英文
  4. "耐丝光牢度"英文
  5. "耐丝光色牢度"英文
  6. "耐酸,抗酸"英文
  7. "耐酸斑色牢度"英文
  8. "耐酸板"英文
  9. "耐酸半统靴"英文
  10. "耐酸保护层"英文


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