- fast 1
- 花腔: 1.(把歌曲或戏曲的基本腔调复杂化、曲折化的唱法) florid ornamentation in chinese opera singing; coloratura2.(花言巧语) guileful talk 耍花腔 speak guilefully; 花腔女高音 coloratura soprano; coloratura
- 耍花枪: play tricks
- 耍花坛: balancing a jar
- 耍花招: 1.(卖弄武术技巧) display showy movements in wushu, etc.2.(施展欺诈手段) play tricks; manoeuvre; resort to stratagems 他又在耍花招了。 he is at his tricks again. 别耍花招了! none of your tricks
- 耍花子: shua hua zi