而立之年的女人: woman of the year他在而立之年转入教学工作he: switched over to teaching in mid career立之辅: tachinosuke立之介: tachinosuke立之佑: tachinosuke立之助: tachinosuke立之佐: tachinosuke徐立之: lap-chee tsui张立之: zhang lizhi猫之年: the year of the cat夏之年: year without a summer姚之年: the year of the yao; yao ming movie成立之日: day of establishment创立之时代: the time of foundation独立之声: suara merdeka独立之声报: suara independent; suara merdeka莫立之屋: groke’s hut直立之柱: an upright post中立之路: la voie neutre; say kang; voie neutre la背墙而立: stand with the back towards the wall叉手而立: stand with folded arms垂手而立: stand with the hands down; stand with (one's) hands at one's sides; stand with one's hands hanging by the sides垂首而立: stand with a drooping head; stand with one's head drooping鼎足而立: standing like a tripod -- a tripartite balance of forces而里面的一切,为第二生命的呐喊,唉: and everything inside screams for second life, yeah而连松: jeransong
而立之年什么意思:ér lì zhī nián 【解释】人到三十岁可以自立的年龄。后为三十岁的代称。 【出处】《论语·为政》:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑。” 【拼音码】elzn 【灯谜面】30岁 【用法】偏正式;作定语、宾语;指30岁,用于男性 【英文】thirty years of age