

发音:   用"考古与文物"造句
  • archaeology and cultural relics


  1. Archaeology and cultural relics


        考古:    engage in archaeological stu ...
        :    take part in; participate in
        文物:    cultural relics other people ...
        考古与希腊历史:    archaeology and history of greece
        希腊考古与历史:    greek archaeology and history (ma)
        文物考古技术:    technology of cultural relics
        中古与文艺复兴研究杂志:    journal of medieval and renaissance studies
        赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆:    sackler archaeology & art museum
        内蒙古文物考古:    inner mongolia cultural relic and archaeology
        国际航海考古与水下勘察杂志:    international journal of nautical archaeology and underwater exploration
        文物保护与考古科学:    sciences of conservation and archaeology
        文物局考古专家班尼尔:    david bannear
        文物考古基本知识概论:    basic knowledge of archaeology
        文物:    cultural relic; historical relic 文物保护 preservation of cultural relics; protection of historical relics; 出土文物 unearthed cultural relics; 文物保护区 historic reservation; 文物工作 archaeological work; 文物古迹 cultural relics and historic sites; 文物建筑 landmark; 文物史料 record; 文物修整 restoration of the cultural relics; 文物征集 collection of the cultural relics
        伊比沙岛的多样化生物与文物:    ibiza biodiversity and culture; ibiza, biodiversity and culture
        考古:    1.(根据古代的遗迹、遗址和文献研究古代历史) engage in archaeological studies2.(考古学) archaeology◇考古测量 archaeological survey; 考古调查 archaeological investigation [reconnaissance]; 考古发掘 archaeological excavation; 考古发现 archaeological discovery [finding]; 考古工作 archaeological work; 考古勘察 archaeological reconnaissance [survey]; 考古学 archaeology; archeology; 考古学家 archaeologist; 考古学史 history of archaeology; 考古制图 archaeological drawing; 考古钻探 archaeological survey
        古文物:    antique
        文物法:    law of cultural relics
        遗物,文物:    relic
        考古术:    archeometry
        考古学:    archaelogy; archaeology (ma); archeologia; archeology
        爱护文物:    please keeoff the lawn
        爱欲与文明:    eros and civilization
        保护文物:    preserving artifacts
        宝贵文物:    precious cultural relics


  1. "考古研究所"英文
  2. "考古遥感"英文
  3. "考古遥感器"英文
  4. "考古遗产保护"英文
  5. "考古遗址"英文
  6. "考古与希腊历史"英文
  7. "考古杂志"英文
  8. "考古制图"英文
  9. "考古钻探"英文
  10. "考官"英文


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