- to piddle
- 老式: old-fashioned; outdated
- 说法: way of saying a thing; wordi ...
- 说法: 1.(措词) way of saying a thing; wording; formulation 说法不妥 inappropriate wording; 换一个说法 say it in another way; 这个意思可以有两种说法。 this idea can be formulated in two different ways.2.(意见) statement; version; argument 说法不一 have different versions; 这种说法不对头。 such a statement isn't correct. 照他的说法去做。 do as he says
- 老式的: ancient; antiquated; antique; belated; demoded; moldy; mossy; old fashion; old style; oldfashioned; outofdate; prehistoric; vintage
- 老式舰: obsolete vessel