老: I aged处女: virgin; maiden maiden似老处女的: spinsterish像老处女的: old maidish; old-maidish处女: 1.(未出嫁的女子) virgin; maiden2.(比喻初次) maiden 处女航 maiden voyage; maiden flight; 处女作 maiden work; first effort 40岁老处男: the 40 year old virgin岁老处男: the year old virgin40岁的老处男: the 40 year old virgin四十岁老处男: the 40 year old virgin; the 40-year old virgin处女岛: virgin island处女的: maidenish; virginal处女地: virgin land [soil]; uncultivated land◇处女地工厂 grass-roots plant处女峰: virgin peak处女宫: virgo处女航: maiden voyage处女林: back woods wood; virgin forest; virginforest处女梅: virgin prunes处女膜: [生理学] hymen; maidenhead处女牛: maiden heifer处女泉: jungfrukä the virgin spring; virgin spring,the处女行: a first journey处女性: maidenhood; virginity处女秀: the cold hard truth处女雪: virgin snow处女羊: female lamb