Longer life spans contributing to the growth of the healthcare market 日本老化进程之速是全球前所未有的
Change of crystallins from water soluble into insoluble with ageing of rat 大鼠老化进程中晶状体蛋白水溶性向水不溶性的转变
Cells must be replaced each seven - year cycle , and cells die over time leading to the experience of aging 细胞每七年必须更替,细胞随时间死亡导致了老化进程。
This is a misguided strategy , firstly because it requires us to improve biological processes that we do not adequately understand , and secondly because it can even in principle only retard aging rather than reverse it 首先是因为它要求我们改进我们并不充分了解的生物进程,其次是因为它甚至在理论上只延缓但并不翻转老化进程。
From the columbia university school of social work introduces the developmental life course perspective to examine how individual development and ageing are intricately and inextricably linked with the broader socio - historical contexts in which they occur Professor ada mui以岁月流程的角度,检视个人发展及老化进程与其社会历史背景之微妙且息息相关的连结,并提出生命历程之重点概念,藉著分享真实的故事去说明生命历程的重点元素。
老化: age; ageing; burn-in; prebur ...进程: course; proceeding; process; ...产业化进程: accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of城市化进程: urbanization process工业化进程: the process of industrialization全球化进程: globalization progress私有化进程: privatization process网络化进程: network process现代化进程: the course of modernization信息化进程: it application process一体化进程: integration process加速变化进程: accelerated pace of change加快城镇化进程: speed up the process of urbanization加快国产化进程: accelerate the progress of nationalization流化床催化进程: fluid catalytic crocking process南非现代化进程: modernization of south africa欧盟一体化进程: the integration process of europe世界现代化进程: prosessus de la modernisation mondiale双重一体化进程: double integration process推进信息化进程: accelerate the use of information technology必将加快城镇化进程: will have its role to play in promoting the urbanization process打破了半岛无核化进程: denuclearization of the peninsula加快高新技术产业化进程: steucommercialization of high and innovative technologies加快住房分配货币化进程: capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation加速国民经济信息化进程: to accelerate the process to an information-based economy