翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...信: letter; mail达: extend雅: refined; elegant信,达,雅: fidelity,fluency雅: 雅同“鸦”达: Ⅰ动词1.(畅通) extend 公路四通八达。 highways radiate in all directions. 这是开往上海的直达火车。 this is a through train to shanghai.2.(达到) reach; attain; amount to 不达目的, 决不罢休 refuse to give up before the aim is achieved; 欲速则不达。 the more you hurry, the less progress you are likely to make.; more haste, lessspeed. 据估计损失达三万元以上。 the loss is estimated to reach upwards of 30,000 yuan . 这家钢铁厂的年产量达 50万吨。 the annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500,000 tons.3.(通晓; 明白) understand thoroughly 通权达变 able to adapt oneslf to circumstances; 通情达理 be understanding and reasonable; be sensible4.(表达; 传告) express; communicate 传达命令 transmit an order; 词不达意。 the words fail to convey the idea.Ⅱ形容词(显贵) eminent; distinguished 达官 ranking officialⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 达云 da yun雅-miyavi-: miyavi雅-易购: moa-ego植田 雅: ueta miyabi编译信号方式: compiled signalling达 臣: chris andersen达…之数: the class numbered fifty in all干 达: uganda赖安-达: ryan day卡 雅 柏: viktor khryapa雅-赫氏反应: jarish-herxheimer reaction翻译: 1.(把一种语言译成另一种语言) translate; interpret; put ... into ...; turn ... into ...; transcribe; render 翻译电码 decode; decipher; 请你帮我翻译一下好吗? would you mind translating for me?2.(译员) translator; interpreter3.translation; interpratation 雅-布二氏试验: jadassohn-bloch tests雅-赫二氏反应: jjarisch-herxheimer reaction安 达 臣: derek anderson柏 达 臣: ruben patterson达 大 学: university of florida达 恩 韦 治: tan white达-富结节: dalen-fuchs nodule