Here fine effect was obtained by using nonlinear correction method to improve properties and stability of the recumbent flap gate tail - water measuring and controlling system 采用加入非线性校正法,对翻板门尾水测控系统的性能指标和稳定性进行改善,取得良好效果。
( 5 ) new type difference tail - gates and their combinations are developed , which can decrease tail water level oscillation in tipping tail - gate controlling system . mathematic models are also obtained for the mentioned controlling systems , stability of which is analyzed ( 5 )研制出新型差动尾门及不同的组合型式,克服了翻板门尾水大幅度振荡问题,给出了差动式和翻板式尾水控制系统数学模型,并对它们的稳定性进行了理论分析。