Seeking more personally satisfying work , he had recently left a successful career as a commercial artist 为了追求更能使自己满意的作品,他刚刚放弃了一份作为商业美术家的成功事业。
The fine arts education in preschool teacher training school is not an education that trains the painter or artist 摘要幼师美术教育不是培养画家、美术家的教育,与专业美术教育或美术应试教育有所区别,应更注重学生的素质培养。
As the painting villages climb up the value ladder and the contemporary artists climb down it , it may become difficult to tell what is real and what is fake 因为画庄临摹的水平越来越高,而当代美术家的水平在下降,分辨哪些是真品哪些是赝品已经变的越来越困难。
Bosom is magnanimous , exalted sentiment , quiet state of mind admires human body art to undertake strictly perhaps drawing according to structure of human body scale , the artistic eye that uses artist will admire human body skill 胸怀坦荡,高尚的情操,平静的心态欣赏人体艺术或者严格按照人体比例结构进行绘画,用美术家的艺术眼光来欣赏人体艺术。