Charles was not now the wealthy and handsome young man living in a sphere out of her reach that he had been . 对她来说,查理不再是那个高不可攀的,有钱的美少年。
Special edition includes : 1 movie dvd 2 movie soundtrack 1 .美少年之恋大电影dvd
I drew him as a pretty boy , but i couldn ' t quite resist giving him a chinese - style mustache and goatee 我把他画成美少年?不过因为我觉得加上中国式的胡子看起来比较好玩。
They are young in the ways of the world , and not yet open to the mortifying conviction that handsome young men must have something to live on , as well as the plain . 她们在人情世故方面还幼稚得很,还不懂得这样一个有失体统的信条:美少年和凡夫俗子一样,也得不饭吃,有衣穿。 ”
Defying the general definition of a monk , tripitaka not only is able to sing and dance well , his innocent and boyish good looks makes him a magnet for the girls both of the human and other - earthly world 非一般的人气大师,不单止能歌善舞,更是一名英俊美少年,深得人界妖界少女喜爱,只是太爱噜噜苏苏说道理烦死人。