美: beautiful; pretty埂: ridge; a low bank of earth b ...镇: garrison post美埂孩: kids in america美埂姐: ms america: well i can say that male organs in america are like美埂说: american fiction; american novels美埂费文化: unit 66 tips on tips美埂离岛: um united states minor outlying islands美埂麦协会: u.s. wheat association伟大的美埂说: the great american novels德埂镇修改列车时刻表: angry commuter lies down on german track in protest美埂儿外科协会: american pediatric surgical association美埂麦联合公司: wheat associates u.s大写为美埂说和电影: gone with the wind美埂麦条点花叶弹状病毒: american wheat striate mosaic rhabdovirus美埂说家奥亨利对纽约曼哈顿的称谓: baghdad on the subway美梗园的“学费折扣”风: tuition discounts increase in popularity美梗园商店: american school store美工: 1.(电影等的美术工作) art designing2.(担任美术工作的人) art designer美工案: clip art美工部: art department