美国: the United States of America ...预算: budget; 1991管理: manage; run; administer; sup ...中: hit; fit exactly当年: the same year; that very yea ...有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...授权: empower; authorize; warrant限当年有效的预算或拨款授权: annual authority当年预算授权: current authority预算授权递延: deferral of budget authority预算授权总额: total obligational authority (toa)预算管理: administration of budget; budget management; budgetm anagement; managing on a budget预算管理科: budget management section预算控制, 预算管理: budget control财政预算管理: budgetary management预算管理费用: budget overhead预算管理人员: budget manager预算管理实务: budget management practice预算管理系统: budgetary control system预算管理制度: budget management system预算管理专题: rar预算管理总览: bird-view budget control预算管理委员会: bmc budget and management committee; budget and management committee预算控制手册, 预算管理手册: manual of budgetary control