美国: the United States of America ...陆军飞机: army aircraft燃料: fuel陆军飞机燃料: army aircraft engine fuel陆军飞机类型: army airplane types美国陆军: america's army; u.s. army; united states army美国陆军部: war department飞机燃料: aircraft fuel美国陆军部长: edwin m. stanton美国陆军部队: united states army forces美国陆军工兵: u.s. army gorps of engineers美国陆军工团: u.s. army corps of engineer美国陆军官校: united states military academy (ny)美国陆军军械: army ord; armyord美国陆军协会: association of the u.s. army美国陆军学院: the united states military academy at west point美国陆军医院: united states army hospital美国陆军中校: u.s.army lieut陆军飞机修理舰: army aircraft repair ship美国海军飞机: united states naval aircraft美国陆军参谋长: cofsa || chief of staff us army美国陆军第五军: u.s. army's美国陆军第五军团: u.s. army's; u.s. army’s美国陆军工兵司令: commanding general of u.s. army gorps of engineers美国陆军工程兵: united states corps of engineers; usacoe