美国: the United States of America ...钢铁: iron and steel结构: structure; composition; cons ...油漆: paint; oil colour; lead-and- ...协会: association; society; instit ...美国钢结构油漆涂料理事会标准: sspc美国钢铁协会: aisi american iron and steel institute; aisia美国钢铁仓库协会: american steel warehouse association美国钢铁产业协会: american iron and steel institute美国钢铁制造商协会: aasm || association of american steel manufacturers泛洋船舶油漆协会: trasocean marine paint association美国钢铁大厦: u.s. steel tower美国钢铁公司: american steel co; steel corp. u.s; steel corporation united states; united states steel corporation美国钢铁集团: steel grooup u.s美国钢铁学会: aisi american iron and steel institute; american of iron and steel institute美国钢结构制造协会: mbma钢铁结构的桥梁: a bridge with a steel framework美国钢构协会: american institute of steel construction英国钢铁研究协会: blsta; british iron and steel research association美国钢铁出口公司: aseco american steel export company美国钢铁公司新闻: us steel news美国钢铁基金会: u.s. steel foundation美国钢铁马拉松: usx美国钢铁铸造公司: american steel foundries co美国钢结构学会: aisc = american institute of steel construction; aisc american institute of steel construction; american institute of steel construction