美国: the United States of America ...金: metals墨: China ink; ink cake; ink sti ...奖: encourage; praise; reward; c ...金墨奖: gold ink award国度金墨奖: gold ink国家金墨奖: gold ink美国金: american gold金墨: gold ink (bronze ink); gold ink(bronze ink)美国金球奖: golden globe美国金融界: wall street美国金氏: king美国金币合金: american gold美国金矿协会: gmaa美国金融公司: financial services companies of the united states美国金融市场: wall street美国金属公司: american metals co美国金属市敞: american metal market美国金属学会: american society of metals (asm); u.s. society for metals美国金属周刊: mw美国金酸梅奖: golden raspberry华尔街美国金融界: wall street美国金刚石委员会: dca; diamond council of america美国金枪鱼船协会: american tunaboat association美国金枪鱼协会: american tuna fish association