美国: the United States of America ...独立: stand alone; be on one's own ...俱乐部: club协会: association; society; instit ...妇女俱乐部协会: association of women's clubs美国独立电话协会: united states independent tele-phone association(usita); united states independent telephone association美国独立石油协会: independent petroleum association of america; ipaa德国球类俱乐部协会: vdb德国业余摄影俱乐部协会: agapc; association of german amateur photographic clubs国际公认汽车俱乐部协会: international association of recognized automobile clubs国际斯卡尔俱乐部协会: aisc; international association of skal clubs全国投资者俱乐部协会: national association of investors corporation世界航空公司俱乐部协会: waca; world airlines clubs association美国独立: american revolution美国独立党: aip american independent party; american independent party美国独立日: independence day (united states); independence day (usa); united states independence day美国独立电话公司协会: usita united states independent telephone association美国独立石油公司协会: ipaa美国独立实验室协会: acil = american council of independent laboratories美国独立革命: american revolution美国独立宣言: united states declaration of independence美国独立战争: american revolutionary war; independence war美国独立润滑剂制造商协会: ilma independent lubricant manufacturers association全国独立报刊协会: association nationale de la presse independante美国独立纪念日: fourth of july